Vintage Auto Appraisal Presents The 2025 Cali To Carlisle Lincoln Highway Cross Country Tour

It's only in the beginning stages but Vintage Auto Appraisal is planning the 2025 Cali to Carlisle Lincoln Highway Cross Country Tour for April 2025 in a Classic Car
We cancelled this in 2020 due to the Stinkin Pandemic. A dream of mine for Decades to drive an Ole Crap Box from Sea to Shining Sea on the Lincoln Highway (RT30) stopping along the way to See the Sites, Dive Bars (no drinking and driving) Gut Wrenching Restaurants, Junk Stores and Roadside Motels

The Route will be from San Francisco to Spring Carlisle 2025. Lot's of planning to do, find sponsors and map out the trip. Everyone is welcome to join us along the journey as we attempt to take a Creaky Leaky Ole Relic across our beautiful country.

We will be working with sponsors and media to set up lodging, fuel, meals, road support and transport back home for the vehicles if needed. If chose to do the entire tour or just part of it please figure a 12 day span from time we leave San Francisco and arrive just prior Spring Carlisle 2025.

Remember this is just in the infant stages with a lot of work still to do. We will have exact dates etc ASAP. Send a little Bio, picture of your car. Use the easy to use CONTACT US button on the top of our website.
Hope to be going "Cali to Carlisle" with you soon..