Background, certifications and qualifications for Johnny Baumann and Vintage Auto Appraisal
..Over 42 years experience in the auto parts and service industry. Specialist in European vehicles and Weber Carburetors. Expert in automotive parts and operating systems.
..ASE-Automotive Service Excellence certified in automotive parts and operating systems. New York State ID#KS7JVOQM5BAUM
..New York Appraisal Certification# 126561006. Renewed 04/05/2021, valid till 04/05/2025
..Pennsylvania Appraisers Assc # 108022BAUM
..Owned, romanced, suffered and restored over 175 collectible vehicles
..Expert in antique and classic vehicle history
..Member AACA-Antique Automobile Club of America
..Member Long Island Triumph Association
..Member National Packard Club
..Member Mercedes Benz Club of America
..Member Lincoln Highway Association
..Former Certified agent for AAG-Auto Appraisal Group as vehicle value expert and vehicle appraiser
..Former Co-Head agent and information gatherer for the world famous Harold Le May estate. Featuring over 3100 collectible vehicles
..Former Co-Head agent and information gatherer for The Lane Auto Museum collection
..Proved Data and Value information for Carlisle Events Giveaway cars 1998-2005
..Carlisle Events and Car Show vendor and sponsor since 1988
..Logged over 1500 hours in gathering Diminished Value data at nationwide vehicle auctions. This data used in class action lawsuits against major insurance companies
..Co-chaired over many value seminars at nationwide events such as Carlisle Events, Barrett Jackson auctions and AACA national conference
..Creator and author of Vintage Auto Appraisal Magazine with over 1600 readers per month
.. Other experience and references available upon request